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API für Fahrwasserengstellen, Durchfahrtshöhen, Fahrwasserabschnitte, Spurtiefen, Schleusen, Pegel, Verkehrslage und Windinformationen. Zustand und Liste für jede Kategorie.

Geographic Toponym Österreich
Geographic Bounding Box WGS84: POLYGON ((13.457789 48.609094, 17.094148 48.119339))
Update Frequency kontinuierlich
Schema Name OGD Austria Metadata 2.4
Schema Language ger
Schema Characterset utf8
Resource title and description in English The RIS Open Services Interface provides real time information about Danube inland water way in Austria. These are bottlenecks, bridge clearances, fairwaysections, gaugs, lock status, traffic and wind information. Status and lists are available for each category. The interfaces and their content are described on the Open Service Portal. Each service category can be tested without registration (query frequency limited) by clicking the „Try it out“ function button. For a API-Key please send an official request to with the following information: applicant name (including company contact person), company / private person, address, reason of usage, required interfaces. More information:
ID 287a08f3-9aba-416e-8eff-cb5349a133e3
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