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Zitat: Paternoster David, Danzinger Florian, Koukal Tatjana, et al: Strategischer Rahmen für eine Priorisierung zur Wiederherstellung von Ökosystemen auf nationalem und subnationalem Niveau. Endbericht Wien, 2021 Reports, Band 0741 ISBN: 978-3-99004-561-9 147 S.

Geographische Abdeckung/Lage Österreich
Zeitliche Ausdehnung (Anfang) Januar 1, 2020, 01:00 (MEZ)
Aktualisierungszyklus nicht geplant
Datenqualität/Herkunft Bericht
Bezeichnung der Metadatenstruktur OGD Austria Metadata 2.4
Sprache des Metadatensatzes ger
Character Set Code des Metadatensatzes utf8
Titel und Beschreibung Englisch Strategic framework for ecosystem restoration prioritisation at national and sub-national levels. The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2020 calls for the restoration of 15% of degraded ecosystems. As a preparatory measure to achieve the target, a strategic framework for prioritising restoration projects has been developed. This also includes the identification of concrete landscape areas for the implementation of measures. Maps of Austria's biotope types and cultural landscape types, national inventories of specific ecosystems and the Austrian Forest Inventory serve as an essential basis for assessing the current status, the restoration potential and for prioritisation. The costs necessary to achieve the 15 % target were determined for the ecosystems forest, water bodies as well as for open land ecosystems and amount to a total of 10.7 billion euros.
Eindeutiger Identifikator 00cfcdd9-ae72-41a3-a1bb-5443b1362058
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