Verantwortlicher Magistrat Wien - Magistratsabteilung 45 - Wiener Gewässer
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Publisher Stadt Wien
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Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
License Citation

Datenquelle: Stadt Wien -

Terms URL
Metadata Link
Attribute Description

BEZEICHNUNG (Bezeichnung mit Kilometerangabe)
X (x-Koordinate)
Y (y-Koordinate)
GENAUIGKEIT (Genauigkeit der Einmessung)
LAGE (Lagebezeichnung der Einmessung)

Geographic Toponym Wien
Geographic Bounding Box WGS84: POLYGON ((16.577511 48.322571, 16.18218 48.117668))
Beginning Date/Time Januar 1, 2015, 01:00 (MEZ)
Update Frequency nach Bedarf
Lineage Quality Daten wurden vor Ort eingemessen mittels GPS
Schema Name OGD Austria Metadata 2.6
Schema Language ger
Schema Characterset utf8
Resource title and description in English GPS-based floor markings (kilometre markings) on Danube Island: these floor markings are provided every 500 metres on all paths, including those on the embankments. An additional lettering system is used to indicate the name of the respective path, with the following letters preceding kilometre figures: L = left embankment; LU = left bank of Neue Donau; RU = right bank of Neue Donau; no letter = central main path on Danube Island; RT = right towpath along the Danube; LT = left towpath along the Danube; R = right embankment, main path
ID 573060f0-80c8-4141-b355-80ebd94ef87a
Human readable URL