Verantwortlicher Umweltbundesamt - Publikationen
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Publisher Umweltbundesamt GmbH
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Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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Zitat: Winter Brigitte, Zethner Gerhard: Leitfaden zur Umsetzung der BVT-Schlussfolgerungen Intensivtierhaltung. Wien, 2018 Reports, Band 0636 ISBN: 978-3-99004-454-4 81 S.

Geographic Toponym Österreich
Beginning Date/Time Januar 1, 2016, 01:00 (MEZ)
Update Frequency nicht geplant
Lineage Quality Bericht
Schema Name OGD Austria Metadata 2.4
Schema Language ger
Schema Characterset utf8
Resource title and description in English Guide to the implementation of the BAT conclusions on intensive livestock farming. Installations for the intensive rearing of poultry or pigs are subject to the Industrial Emissions Directive from a certain number of animal places. This means that so-call
ID 83e85ff6-7de2-42ca-93d1-5b05d769bf80
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