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Zitat: Winter Ralf: FQMS - Fuel Quality Monitoring System 2020. Überwachung der Kraftstoffqualität der Republik Österreich gemäß Richtlinie 98/70/EG für das Berichtsjahr 2020. Wien, 2021 Reports, Band 0781 ISBN: 978-399004-605-0 23 S.

Geographische Abdeckung/Lage Österreich
Zeitliche Ausdehnung (Anfang) Januar 1, 2020, 01:00 (MEZ)
Aktualisierungszyklus kontinuierlich
Datenqualität/Herkunft Bericht
Bezeichnung der Metadatenstruktur OGD Austria Metadata 2.4
Sprache des Metadatensatzes ger
Character Set Code des Metadatensatzes utf8
Titel und Beschreibung Englisch FQMS - Fuel Quality Monitoring System 2020. According to EU Directive 98/70/EC, Member States have to verify compliance with the quality standards for petrol and diesel fuels and report the results to the EU Commission. In Austria, around 7.61 million tonnes of fuels were sold in 2020, of which 6.25 million tonnes (over 82 %) were diesel fuels. The Federal Environment Agency analysed samples from 206 petrol stations throughout the country. In the case of petrol, the check revealed a total of four deviations from the standard parameter for vapour pressure and once for the sum of aromatics, while all the diesel fuel samples analysed were in conformity with the directive. The maximum value of 10 mg/kg sulphur content applicable to marine fuels in accordance with EU Directive 2009/30/EC was not complied with in one of the six samples analysed.
Eindeutiger Identifikator 8b454b67-96d2-4ab2-866b-9ebdfbfb39e5
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