Verantwortlicher Magistrat Wien - Magistratsabteilung 37 - Baupolizei
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Publisher Stadt Wien
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Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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Datenquelle: Stadt Wien -

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Attribute Description

Bezirk Adresse CountryCode StreetName StreetNumber CountrySubdivision Municipality MunicipalitySubdivision Kategorie Zaehlbezirk Zaehlgebiet Ranking PostalCode AdressID HauptIdentAdresse ACD SCD GIP_NAME_ID STRABS Boundingbox Koordinaten Location GeoCodeType FeatureCategoryCode distance DistanceUnit DistanceMethod

Geographic Toponym Wien
Geographic Bounding Box WGS84: POLYGON ((16.577511 48.322571, 16.18218 48.117668))
Beginning Date/Time Dezember 13, 2013, 01:00 (MEZ)
Update Frequency kontinuierlich
Lineage Quality Objekteinfahrt oder Objekteingang
Schema Name OGD Austria Metadata 2.6
Schema Language ger
Schema Characterset utf8
Resource title and description in English The Vienna Address Service offers address search with geocoding and reverse geocoding.Address search with geocoding: an address or geographic name is entered and verified against the City of Vienna address database. If it is a valid entry, the search produces attributes like district, address, country code, road name, road code and coordinate data (in the selected coordinate system). Reverse geocoding provides the address or addresses closest to the coordinate data entered.
ID c223b93a-2634-4f06-ac73-8709b9e16888
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