Shows a real-time departure countdown for the Vienna public transport network (Wiener Linien).
Minimize the waiting time at bus / tram / subway stops by knowing when to leave your apartment and getting there just in time! The little app runs on the Raspberry Pi and uses the real-time departure service of the Vienna public transport network (Wiener Linien) to show the countdown to the next departures for two different lines at your closest station.
Shows the next two departures for two different public transport stops / lines
Refreshes countdown every 20 seconds
Auto-starts when booting your Raspberry Pi
Configurable through command line parameters
Shows live data in green, errors in red
Uses open data from the City of Vienna. Code is based on WL-Monitor-Pi from Matthias Bendel / mabe-at and released under the same MIT license - thanks for creating the original project and inspiring this adaption!