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Publisher BMVIT
Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Geographic Toponym Österreich
Beginning Date/Time Mai 21, 2015, 18:21 (MESZ)
Schema Name OGD Austria Metadata 2.2
Schema Language ger
Schema Characterset utf8
Resource title and description in English This study analyses the extraordinary, innovative potential of Big Data technologies for the Austrian market ranging from managing the data deluge to semantic and cognitive systems. Moreover, the study identifies emerging opportunities arising from the utilization of publicly available data, such as Open Government Data, and company internal data by covering multiple domains. A holistic approach comprising research principles, development of new methods/tools/technologies, requirements, the implementation in innovative products by industry and especially Austrian SMEs, and knowledge transfer at tertiary education establishments served to achieve these objectives.
ID cedbda7a-97b1-48ed-bb57-b738e8a3e45d
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