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  • Pannonian BirdExperience - Programm 2012

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  • Pannonian BirdExperience - Einladung 2011

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  • Der Mensch und der See - Ausstellung im Jahr der Volkskultur

    Nationalpark-Informationszentrum Illmitz 18. April 31. Oktober 2004 FISCH SCHILF FREIZEIT KUNST NATURSCHUTZ Seit Beginn der Neuzeit hat die Wechsel wirkung zwischen den Menschen...
  • Enten und Gänse Themenausstellung

    Konzept & Recherche: Silke Farmer, Harald Grabenhofer Gestaltung: Alois Lang, Michael Kroiss, Harald Grabenhofer, Silke Farmer Technische Umsetzung: Hans Fleischhacker...
  • Die Zitzmannsdorfer Wiesen

    Summary The Zitzmannsdorfer Wiesen are situated in the north-east of the Lake Neusiedl area. They represent a significant part of the conservation zone of the Nationalpark...
  • Wulka und Wulkatal

    Summary The only important feeder of Lake Neusiedl is a small river called Wulka. Its rivershed has a size of 400 square kilometres. The overall length of the Wulka is just...
  • Wagram

    Summary The southern declivity of the Parndorfer Platte, a gravel terrasse of about 200 square kilometres in the northern part of Burgenland, is called Wagram. At the small...
  • Waasen/Hanság österreichischer Teil

    Summary The Waasen or Hanság (hung.) is a fen area of about 460 square kilometres south eastern of Lake Neusiedl. The bigger part of this area belongs to Hungary. In former...
  • Thenauriegel

    Summary Close to Breitenbrunn on the west-facing slope of the Leithagebirge there is one of Burgenland's largest and most important dry grassland areas: the Thenau-Riegel. The...
  • Siegendorfer Puszta und Heide

    Summary Up from the flap terrain of the Wulka-lowlands, western of the Ruster Hu&776;gelland, arises the picturesque landscape of the Siegendorfer Puszta. The arid grassland of...
  • Sandeck

    Summary The Sandeck is built-up on sand deposited by Lake Neusiedl in former times. The area borders landward on the National Park Nature Reserve Zone and serves as an effective...
  • Das Ruster Hügelland

    Summary The Ruster Hügelland is a small mountain range situated westerly of the Lake Neusiedl. Just like the Leithagebirge as such, the hills of this range are considered as the...
  • Südufer des Neusiedler Sees und Mekszikopuszta

    Summary The largest part of Lake Neusiedl's southern basin belongs to the core zone of the Nationalpark Neusiedler See Seewinkel. This isthose section of the national park where...
  • Das Neudegg

    Summary Situated southern of Apetlon the Neudegg borders landward on the National Park Nature Reserve Zone. This area consists of periodically flooded meadows, various...
  • Die Lange Lacke

    Summary A bird sanctuary of international significante and an important section of the Nationalpark Neusiedler See Seewinkel: That's the Lange Lacke, the largest of the 40...
  • Jungerberg und Hackelsberg

    Summary Jungerberg and Hackelsberg are two hills situated in the north-west of the Lake Neusiedl area. As well as the close by Leithagebirge and the Ruster Hu&776;gelland both...
  • Die Hölle

    Summary At the east coast of Lake Neusiedl, between Podersdorf am See in the north and Illmitz in the south, there is an area called Hölle. Saltwater pools, marsh areas which...
  • Waasen/Hanság ungarischer Teil

    Summary The Hanság or Waasen (ger.) is a fen area of about 460 square kilometres south eastern of Lake Neusiedl. The bigger part of this area belongs to Hungary. In former times...
  • Natur und Umwelt - Ausgabe 4/2019 Winter

    Beinhaltet: Tierische Lebensmittel und Klimawandel ELER-Projekt zum Thema Neophyten Der Traum vom plastikfreien Ozean Erfolg für 1. Burgenländische Jugendklimakonferenz Späte...
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