Verantwortlicher Bundesministerium für Justiz
Maintainer Link
Publisher Bundesministerium für Justiz
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Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
License Citation


OpenAPI Schema
Terms URL
Geographic Toponym Österreich
Geographic Bounding Box Österreich
Beginning Date/Time September 6, 2023, 02:00 (MESZ)
Update Frequency kontinuierlich
Lineage Quality aus gerichtlich geführter Liste
Schema Name OGD Austria Metadata 2.6
Schema Language ger
Schema Characterset utf8
Resource title and description in English List of court certified and sworn experts: The list of sworn and court-certified experts is kept by the presidents of the regional courts. In the list, the sworn and court-certified experts are entered according to their field of speciality and within the field of their speciality according to specialist areas, including a possibly limited scope of certification.
ID 011f0938-e03f-49a6-9368-01e2296af0ac
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