

Cooperation OGD Austria

German Version

“Cooperation Open Government Data Austria”, or short “Cooperation OGD Austria” was founded by the Federal Chancellery, the cities of Vienna, Linz, Salzburg and Graz on the 13th July 2011. Federal Government, States, cities and towns in cooperation with the communities, science, culture and the economy are willing to set the basic agreements for the future of Open Government Data in Austria. By agreeing on common standards an effective framework for the benefit of all stakeholders should be created. The collaboration between Germany – Austria – Switzerland- and Liechtenstein (D-A-CH-LI) will be intensified. The Cooperation represents the interests of ministries, states, cities and communities – to unite all actors who operate, plan or create an open government data platform. The Federal Ministry of Finance is now the link to Competence Center Internet Society (KIG) and the Platform Digital Austria.


Reference documents of sub-working groups of the Cooperation OGD Austria get published as agreements and drafts at the common reference server.

Salzburg Declaration of Cooperation OGD Austria, 29.10.2018

We are the founders and an important stakeholder for the further development of OGD in Austria.
We actively participate in the cooperation OGD D-A-CH-LI and other international networks.

Because of our activities, Austria should remain an Open Data trendsetter and have an international pioneering role.

To this end, we are striving for concrete measures such as the strategic anchoring of “open by default” for publicly classified, non-personal data and the publication of Austria-wide “core data sets” as OGD.

It is therefore important that the federal ministries, the federal states, federation of cities and federation of municipalities participate actively in the Cooperation OGD Austria . We invite to participate in a strategy workshop.

Photo protocol: Strategy workshop of the Cooperation OGD Austria on 18th Jan 2019 (German text)

Recent Decisions / protocols

  • 19.02.2015: Information which is not completely covered by “public domain” (license-free) has to be licensed under the Creative Commons License CC-BY-3.0 AT. Special provisions extending the regulations of CC-BY-3.0 AT have to be published as netiquette.
  • 19.02.2015: After a positive test of the German version of CC-BY 4.0, the following procedure is proposed:
    The use of the CC-BY.4.0 is to be pre-announced on the respective data portals and with a deadline for all previously published records and all new records. No stability break is seen for data users, since the license update does not lead to any worsening of the data users. For licensees who have received the data under the old license, this still applies. This does not have to be mentioned in the data portal. However, access to a current record, which is then under version 4.0, causes
    the use of the data under version 4.0.
  • 29.10.2018: The changeover to CC BY 4.0 will take place on 1st March 2019 with the proposed procedure of advance notice on the data portals and documentation of the procedure, provided that no objections are received by the end of November 2018 which expressly oppose it with a statement of reasons.
  • 27.09.2016: The Cooperation OGD Austria recommends that Open Government Data (OGD) is not only primarily lived by the countries and cities, but also on the federal level as an important contribution to increase the administrative efficiency on the one hand and as an engine for Open Innovation on the other hand. Specifically, the Cooperation OGD Austria especially invites the ministries to participate actively in the identification of so – called national “core” data sets and in the publication of Austrian-wide data sets as OGD.
  • 29.10.2018 ff Brigitte Lutz was unanimously elected as spokesperson for the Cooperation OGD Austria for the further years.
  • 28.03.2022: Protocol of the meeting in Vienna and via web

Sub working groups

  • Data Spaces and how to make the best use of them.
    Coordination: Martin Semberger (BMDW).
  • URI Coordination Unit
    Coordination: Gregor Eibl (Danube University Krems).
  • Data Quality Standards and Feedback Loops
    Coordination: Gerhard Hartmann (City of Vienna).
  • Future Cooperation OGD Austria
    Coordination: Brigitte Barotanyi (BMF) & Brigitte Lutz (City of Vienna).
  • „Quality assurance in Open Data portals”

  • „Open & Agile Smart Cities – OASC Austria“
    Leader: Brigitte Lutz (City of Vienna).

Next dates

  • Cooperation OGD Austria meeting in Innsbruck and via web: September 2022

Members of the Cooperation OGD Austria

Constituent members:

  • Federal Chancellery (successor organization currently BMF)
  • City of Vienna
  • City of Linz
  • City of Salzburg
  • City of Graz
  • OKFÖ, now (Open Knowledge Austria) (advisory member)

and all organizations which are publishing data on or are operating or planning to operate a OGD portal, e.g.

  • Federal Province Upper Austria
  • Federal Province Salzburg
  • Federal Province Tyrol
  • Parliament
  • Austrian Association of Cities and Towns
  • Environment Agency Austria
  • Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Federal Computing Centre
  • AMA (Agrarmarkt Austria)
  • ZAMG (Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics)

Advisory Members

  • (Open Knowledge Austria)
  • AGEO (Austrian Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information)
  • Danube University Krems
  • WU Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
  • TU Wien (Technical University Vienna)
  • KDZ – Centre for Public Administration Research
  • AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive


Spokeswoman: Brigitte Lutz, MSc  Tel.: (+43) 1 4000 75023 E-Mail:
All members of the Cooperation OGD Austria can be reached on the mailinglist


Dipl.-Ing. Johann Mittheisz (City of Vienna) and Dr. Berthold Rauchenschwandtner (Salzburg) were founding members and are retired.



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