

Austrian COVID-19 Open Data Information Portal

The statistical information of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Long-Term Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) on the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) is available as Open Government Data (OGD) under the Creative Commons (CC) open license (CC-BY-4.0). The data are reusable by the general public under the condition of attribution (i.e., citation of the source BMSGPK) in machine-readable format along with the associated metadata.

This is in line with the requirements of the Information Reuse Act (IWG) and the EU’s Open Data and Public Sector Information (PSI) Directive 2019/1024.


Applications and visualizations

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a remarkable engagement of the developer community in Austria, Europe and worldwide. Now that our lives have shifted heavily into the digital domain and the value of data sharing has become apparent, it is important to continue to support these efforts.

The interpretation of data is a complex matter. This requires the knowledge of experts from many different fields and, above all, cross-border cooperation. Open data, available in one place to all, enables successful and rapid interaction among scientists, researchers, developers, and analysts. Successful data analysis and problem solving strategies rely on the availability of accurate data. Using a variety of technical support, it is possible to draw faster and more effective evidence-based conclusions despite complex data.

The following overview shows which applications and visualizations have been created for COVID-19 and beyond.

Is an application or visualization missing? Then please submit them here!

Combating Fake News

Open data is an efficient means of combating misinformation or fake news. Data that is made openly available by a trusted source can be verified for accuracy at any time or linked for permanent proof. Thus, misinformation can be quickly refuted.

The most trustworthy data on the spread of coronavirus have been produced under public mandate and come from official sources. They are therefore of outstanding value to the general public. Ideally, data will be provided by an official Single Source of Truth (SSOT).

Data-driven initiatives

The Corona crisis shows that common cohesion and common know-how are beneficial for all. This requires open and collaborative interaction, also on the basis of Open Data. The following initiatives are key contributors to better solutions to address the crisis. At this point a big thanks to all developers – Together against Corona!

Virtual Hackathon

Hack the Crisis Austria | Austrian Startups (March 27-29, 2020)


The virus knows no borders. European and international cooperation are critical to addressing these challenging times. Pooling information and active cooperation will lead us better through the crisis.

At the initiative of the European Union, an overview of datasets and data-driven initiatives on COVID-19 across Europe has been produced by the European Data Portal (EDP):

Open source and privacy through technology

Open source software is a crucial contribution to strengthening trust in digital applications, as the source code can be checked by users for its trustworthiness and improved if necessary. A diverse interaction of all interested parties in the development and improvement of applications can decisively increase their usefulness and security.

Data security and data protection by technology and data protection-friendly default settings(Privacy by Design & Privacy by Default) should ideally be thought about and implemented from the outset and conceptually when developing applications.

Github – central collection point for open source software

GitHub is an online service that provides open source software on its servers and makes it reusable for developers. Github enables efficient version management, i.e. changes and innovations to the code of software projects are made available in an updated form by means of publicly accessible source code databases (repositories).

Showcase Italy on COVID-19: A daily dataset on cumulative COVID-19 data has been published on Github by the Italian Civil Protection Agency since 2/24/2020. This contributes significantly to the improved reusability of statistical data.

Open Source Applications

Open science

Open science enables efficient collaboration between researchers and developers. In this context, research data, reports, and other research processes are freely accessible under conditions that enable the reuse, redistribution, and duplication of research and its underlying data and methods. Open Science is transparent and accessible knowledge shared and (further) developed through collaborative networks.

This methodology of open collaboration proves particularly effective in times of crisis. At European level, work is currently underway to establish a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

European COVID-19 Research Data Platform

To boost COVID-19 research efforts, the European CO VID-19 Research Data Platform and the European COVID-19 Research Data Portal have been established. The goal of the data portal is to facilitate data sharing and analysis and to accelerate Corona research activities. Networked European Data Spaces for COVID-19 are also part of the emerging European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Further information

Important information about the Corona virus

Important information on the coronavirus and how we can protect ourselves is available via the central platform for digital official channels and administrative information

Lessons from the crisis

It is important to thoroughly analyze the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, especially with regard to the resilience of the digital infrastructure and the further development of the data-driven society and economy. The crisis has likewise highlighted the value and benefits of digitization, for example, so that large sections of society and the economy could continue to function in the home office.

Does Corona accelerate the further development of the European Data Space? What should the digital future of Austria and Europe look like? How can we all contribute to a positive digital transformation?

The European Commission unveiled new strategies for data and artificial intelligence in February 2020. For example, you can still participate in the public consultation on the European Data Strategy until May 31, 2020, and submit proposals to the Commission for the future development of EU law.

During the crisis, activities to identify high quality datasets in line with Open Data and PSI Directive 2019/1024 continue. Suggestions on Open Data, data sharing and analysis, and high-quality datasets at any time to the PSI and Open Data Task Force of the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Economic Development (BMDW).


Any general suggestions for improvement? Open Data is not a one-way street. For each data set on, appropriate feedback can be given and contact can be made with the data controller – contact details respective metadata sheet, example COVID-19 data of the BMSPGK:

General suggestions and improvements at any time via email or Twitter.


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